Denise's Story Alberta Flag

The Alberta Rose

Time and distance away from home makes me appreciate the things I took for granted when they surrounded me daily. I was born in McLennan, Alberta, Canada and lived the first forty years of my life in Northern Alberta's beautiful Peace Country. After living away for the last 10 + years I've learned to appreciated the beauty of it all.

Every time I return I can't help but be amazed at the beauty that surrounds the Peace Country. The vast wheat fields and the sunshine glow of the canola fields that sway in the wind like an ocean of it's own.

Alberta wheat fields

Canadian flag on a grainery

Watching the honey bees come and go as they make their way from the flowers to the hives with loads of the purest white honey Alberta is known for.

Luc's bee yard
The never ending fall colors from the leaves before they take to the ground for the winter and yes

Alberta in the fall

the beauty of winter, vast fields covered with snow that you can see for miles and miles, frosty trees looking as perfect as a painting.

Alberta winter

I treasure the beauty of where I come from. Like every where in the world Northern Alberta has its own beauty to offer and I am happy to share that beauty with our viewers.

Having visited a few different countries I can appreciate all that the world has to offer, there is beauty everywhere, take time to look around and enjoy what surrounds you every day.


Our beautiful sunsets

I have lots of found memories of my life in Alberta, growing up with great parents, five great sisters and one brother in a little town called Donnelly, raising two wonderful children Gerald who is a great dancer & Rachel a wonderful spiritual women, playing softball for 19 years with great friends. Living in Falher, working with terrific people at the Bank of Montreal, founding Honey Capital Realty and owning Gerry's Suites & Motel was also a wonderful part of my life there.

To all our family and friends, I hope you will come along as we embark in this unforgettable voyage and see the beauty of our world.

Alberta Slide Show

Canadian map


Peace Country Video



Living in Ojai & Ventura for the last 12 years I enjoyed making new friends and taking care of all my owners and tenants who trusted More Management with all their rental needs. I also enjoyed working with all the great people at the Century 21 Realty Sales office.

I thought leaving Alberta was the hardest thing I had ever done up to now, leaving Ventura will be as hard. I've made wonderful friends over the last 10 years. All of you know who you are and I will miss you dearly. I hope to hear from all of you through the web site and I look forward to seeing you all again some day.